Trainer A/1st Class
Trainer „A/1st Class“
A new year of the two-year study programme will be opened in August 2021 within the course of lifelong education (hereinafter CLE) with an option to start afterwards in the 3rd year of the bachelor’s study programme Sports and Fitness Specialist with a Focus on Fitness (hereinafter SFS Fitness).
Organizational support
- Implemented education is based on a contract between a sport union and College PALESTRA.
- Education according to trajectory of the subjects of the bachelor’s study SFS Fitness with changes in the first two years. Study is implemented within CLE with an option to gain 60% of credits needed fot the bachelor’s degree.
- Creation of smaller study groups even for theoretical education and student coupling according to sports with a similar basis.
- Combination of full-time and part-time study with the support of e-learning study materials.
- Education is split into four blocks per semester (three in the second year), always on Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 14:00. The praxis schedule is within individual contracts with each individual sport union.
1st year lecture terms, for the academic year 2021/2022
Winter semester:
- 11th – 14th October, 2021
- 1st – 4th November, 2021 (distance form)
- 6th – 9th December, 2021
- 3rd – 6th January, 2022
Summer semester:
- 7th – 10th February, 2022 (distance form)
- 7th – 10th March, 2022
- 4th – 7th April, 2022 (distance form)
- 2nd – 5th May, 2022
2nd year lectre terms, for the academic year 2021/2022
Winter semester:
- 13th – 16th September 2021
- 11th – 14th October, 2021
- 8th – 11th November, 2021 (distance form)
- 13th – 16th December, 2021
- 10th – 13th January, 2022
Summer semester:
- 14th – 17th February 2022 (distance form)
- 5th March, 2022
- 14th – 17th March, 2022
- 11th – 14th April, 2022 (distance form)
- 9th – 12th May, 2022
Lectures during the 2021/2022 academic year are divided into a full-time and distance (on-line through google classroom and google meet, without the need of personal attendance) form of study. This division is in effect only if the situation regarding education and the Covid-19 pandemic is normalised. If the government regulations do not allow full-time form of study, the lectures will all take place on time in the form of distance-study.
Study admission conditions
- Submitting an application form through the link at the end of the page including the necessary documents… (a certificate from a physical education doctor – a form, an affidavit stating that the applicant is not and has not been prosecuted – a form, a certified copy of trainer B/2nd Class, if the contract with the individual union doesn’t state otherwise, a copy of the maturita certificate).
- The application for admission is free, there is no fee for it
- Completed secondary education concluded by a successful Maturita
- A study nomination from a partner sport union guaranteeing a completed second highest trainer qualification in the corresponding sport union, if not completed within a cooperation with College PALESTRA.
- College PALESTRA signs a contract with each individual student regarding the study at TS PALESTRA.
- All personal information will be processed in accordance with the Law on the personal data protection. Data about participants will be shared with the sport union guaranteeing the Training course and issues the training license.
- The school verifies a given sport union consent after submitting the application for admission and immediately sends a study contract and further information regarding the beginning of the study (documents are sent into the Moggis personal folder).
Training school A start
- Lectures start in October 2021.
- The number of hours of education is at least 550 lessons / 2 years.
- An orientational scheme of lessons can be found HERE.
Completing subjects and the study
- Subjects taught come from the SFS Fitness study plan, which specifies the way in which the subjects are concluded (assesment, graded assesment, examination).
- Practical examinations, use of discussion forums and self-reflection in front of a group are preferred within the TS PALESTRA study programme.
Study conclusion
- The final examination takes place as a presentation and defence of a thesis in front of a examination comitee. Thesis can also be a foundation for assignment of a bachelor’s thesis in case of starting the 3rd year of bachelor’s study.
- The graduate acquires after completing all the required examinations, assesments and the presentation and defence of the final thesis:
- Certificate about completing the TS PALESTRA study within the Lifelong education programme.
- Depending on the specification from individual unions (completing the practical part of lessons, which are guarateed by each individual union) an A/1st Class license issued by the sport union.
Tuition per 1 year of study is 60,000 CZK.
Warning – students of the CLE are not ordinary students of the bachelor’s study and as such have no entitlement to social advantages of the full-time students.