Under the auspices of the Rector of the College of PE and Sport PALESTRA
Prof. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, PhD.
7th Biennale
International Scientific Conference
Prague, 04/11/2021
The conference covers three main thematic areas:
- Diagnostics and function testing in wellness.
- Multidimensional approach to quality of life and health support.
- Self-assessment and wellness plan. Bio-psycho-social balance.
The aim of the international conference is to help bridge the gap between research and the application of scientific outputs in practice supporting health and quality of life. The overall purpose is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and practical transformations from an international perspective.
LANGUAGE: Czech, English
Prof. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, PhD. – Rector of the College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Prof. PaedDr. Milada Krejčí, PhD. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. PaedDr. Pavol Bartík, PhD. – Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Prof. PaedDr. Elena Bendíková, PhD. – Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Prof. Eugeniusz Bolach, PhD. – University school of PE and Sport, Wroclaw, Poland
Prof. Bartosz Bolach, PhD. – University school of PE and Sport, Wroclaw, Poland
Assoc. Prof. Klára Daďová, PhD. – Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Shivnath Ghosh, PhD. – Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India
Prof. PhDr. Václav Hošek, DrSc. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. PaedDr. Ludmila Fialová, PhD. – Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Tetsuo Harada, PhD. – Kochi University, Kochi, Japan
Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Dobroslava Jandová – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Bronislav Kračmar, PhD. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Petar Iankov, PhD. – National Sport Academy „Vasil Levski“, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. PaedDr. Ján Junger, PhD. – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovak Republic
Prof. Waheeda Khan, PhD. – SGT University, Gurgaon, India
Prof. Mgr. Martin Kudláček, PhD. – Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Misako Kawamata, PhD. – Kochi University, Kochi, Japan
Prof. Bartosz Molik, PhD. – Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warszaw, Poland
Assoc. Prof. Marina Malygina, PhD. – Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk, Russia
Ass. Prof. Mgr. Tomáš Mirovský, MBA, DiS. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Alida Moonen, PhD. National Wellness Institute, USA
Ass. Prof. Eva Nechlebová, PhD. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Ass. Prof. Jana Nováková Stará, PhD. – Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, PhD. – Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Petr Petr, PhD. University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Prof. Rado Pišot, PhD. – Institut of Kinesiology Research, Science and Research Centre, Koper, Slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Beata Pitula, PhD. – University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Prof. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, PhD. – Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. Martin Repko, PhD. – Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Daniela Stackeová – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. PhDr.Markéta Švamberk Šauerová – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Pavel Tilinger, PhD. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Ass. Prof. Ludmila Vacek, PhD. – Global Spa Concepts Inc., Vancouver, Canada
Prof. PhDr. Hana Válková, PhD. – Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. Jacek Wąsik, PhD. – Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa, Poland
Assoc. Prof. Klaudia Zusková, Ph.D. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Slovak Republic
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Mgr. Kamila Bulířová – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Mgr. Jiří Kajzar – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Alena Malcová – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Mgr. Tomáš Mirovský, DiS., MBA – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
Mgr. Eva Nechlebová, Ph.D. – College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
On-line video broadcasting and recording of presentations in the Open Access model with permanent, immediate and free access to the results of science and research.
Peer-reviewed conference contributions will be published in the scientific monograph or in the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Acta Salus Vitae” ISSN 1805 – 8787, see http://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/issue/archive
Program frame:
- Keynote speech – oral presentations (20 min + 5 min discussion)
- Session speech – oral presentations (10 min + 5 min discussion)
- Posters – (Poster formats: A0 841 x 1189 mm; A1 594 x 841mm)
For information to the Application, Abstract, Publication output, Deadlines – Contact person: Ass. Prof. Mgr. Kamila Bulířová, E-mail: bulirova@palestra.cz.
Participation free of charge.
Prague 25. 2. 2021
Prof. PaedDr. Milada Krejčí, PhD. , Vice-rector for science and research
E-mail: krejci@palestra.cz