7th Biennale
International Scientific Conference
Prague, 04/11/2021
College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA
The Conference will be held online - on ZOOM platform
09:30 – 9:40 Opening of the conference, Award ceremony
Prof. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, PhD., rector, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA
Chairman: Prof. PaedDr. Milada Krejčí, PhD.
9:40 – 10:00
Prof. PhDr. Václav Hošek, DrSc.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Civilization dilemma of quality of life
The results of the biological and cultural human evolution are currently in conflict. The affluent consumer lifestyle (the result of cultural evolution) does not provide enough of the adaptive stimuli that humans claim as a result of natural biological evolution. Research studies bring findings, that quality longevity (delaying senescence) requires a certain degree of hormetic stress, especially in the area of caloric restriction, physical and mental exertion and hardening (salutogenetic quadrivium). The first dilemma is the autodeterministic discomfortable self-restraint of the ascetic type. Within the framework of cognitive dissonance and causal attribution, it leads to considerations, if the advanced discomfort will be balanced by a subsequent comfortable life. The second dilemma concerns the use of technological possibilities of bio-tracking (biological feedback, biomonitoring), which will be increasingly offered, in accordance with the progress of knowledge, in deciding on the nature of necessary human activities, which can be interpreted as a restriction on freedom of decision. Both of the indicated dilemmas will increasingly affect the quality of life in their self-limiting form.
Key words: Salutogenetic quadrivium; dilemma of discomfort, biotracking.
10:00 – 10:20
Prof. Dr. Georg Christian Steckenbauer, MSc.
(GER, Deggendorf Institute of Technology – European Campus Rottal Inn)
Wellness, Health & Tourism 2021: Chances and Challenges for a Post-Disaster World
The COVID-19 pandemic is a disaster for the entire tourism industry. Values accumulated over decades were destroyed, businesses deeply impacted, jobs lost and existences damaged. The next few years will show whether and how one of the world’s largest industries will recover.
But the virus has also changed the focus of travellers: Though safety was always an important motive for choosing destinations, now it is safety from infection and assurance of adequate medical care.
Thus, tourism providers to whom health competence is attributed have chances of success. Health tourism providers have unique opportunities and must communicate their special competence through suitable products. This will create not only confidence in the providers, but also bring strong ties between guest and provider.
New products are needed, such as specific health tourism offers for strengthening the immune system or for the therapy of long COVID symptoms. These products must be scientifically proven and attractive to tourists (“evidence-based health tourism”). Only then will they have a chance on the markets.
Tourism expertise will be needed to present health tourism offers better than before, to market them more attractively and also to address new target groups. Even more than in the past, close networking and intensive cooperation between the health industry and the tourism providers are preconditions are prerequisite for future success.
Educational and university training institutions play an essential role here: they create the knowledge base and attitude that different players need in order to be ready for cooperation.
Key words: Health tourism; tourism market; evidence-based health tourism; product development; university studies.
10:20 – 10:40
Prof. Rado Pišot, PhD. & Boštjan Šimunič, PhD.
(SLO, Science and Research Center Koper, Institute for Kinesiology Research, Koper)
Harmful effects of hypokinetic conditions on the human health” - Research physical inactivity to understand physical activity
Physical activity (PA) is important for our health today more than ever. It is a lever for physical fitness, immune system resilience and maintenance of psychophysical balance. It was present throughout human evolution, has shaped our bodies, and we are learning that we simply cannot survive without it. PA restriction associated with COVID -19 and high exposure to physical inactivity (PI) and „hypokinetic conditions“ is just an extreme form, a potentiated phenomenon of the sedentary lifestyle we have been witnessing for at least the last two decades. There are increasingly long periods of PI in both active and inactive populations that advocates two independent factors of our health, positive effects of exercise and negative effect of PI. A „sociology of sedentarism“ is emerging and represents a new reality, but can science support it? Numerous studies show that the consequences of PI on physical and mental health are very severe, and the mechanisms of deterioration of certain body systems are very rapid. It is even accelerated when PI is coupled with ageing or comorbidities. PI leads to remodulation of motor units and the mechanisms of muscle deterioration, as shown in bed rest (BR) studies. It is fascinating that the deterioration is very intense already after few days of PI. In addition, insulin resistance increases in the short term after a period of PI. Surprisingly, we found that the consequences of COVID -19 restriction were very similar as after BR. Ensuring sufficient, high-quality PA is certainly a challenge, but reducing PI in the most vulnerable subgroups must be addressed separately. This unprecedented situation requires concerted efforts to understand these consequences, take immediate action to systematically reduce periods of PI, and develop and promote lifelong PA programmes. In addition to global pandemic limitations, we need to be aware that limiting PA can lead to systematically poorer health, increased susceptibility to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. – a vicious circle.
Keywords: Contemporary society; COVID -19; Sitting; Physical inactivity.
10:40 – 11:00
Assoc. Prof. Marta Stepien-Slodkowska, PhD.
(PL, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin)
Influence of the microbiome on the quality of human life
The World Health Organization defines human health as physical, mental and social well-being. However, the contemporary challenges of health care systems in the world, dedicated to various health problems, are more and more often characterized by a holistic approach to health. Therefore, they require many definitions of health in various aspects of maintaining health and the pursuit of health. Health is the physiologically correct functioning of systems and organs, and the ability to maintain it is an active process involving distinct adaptive mechanisms that coordinate interactions between the body’s systems and organs. Homeostasis is the body’s ability to maintain health and the proper functioning of the body in the face of changing external or internal factors. One is the human microbiome, which is made up of microbes that make up a biocenosis, which can vary from person to person. Various types of microflora inhabit the human skin, mouth, nose and intestines, playing a role in the immune system and human metabolism. The literature review shows the relationship between the human microbiome and nutritional needs, metabolic rate and other measures of health. Research in this direction will contribute to the identification of ways to modify lifestyle elements in order to prevent civilization diseases.
11:00 – 11:20
Assoc. Prof. Petr Petr, M.D., PhD.
(CZ, University of South Bohemia, Hospital České Budějovice)
Pharmacologically active substances in natural sources. Is there a laboratory response to their presence and effect?
The basic goal of our research work is to analyze the presence of a pharmacologically active substance in natural resources from the point of view of the field of clinical pharmacology and clinical biochemistry and to identify, isolate and quantify these substances in their natural resources. Subsequently, the influence and effects of these pharmacologically active substances on humans are determined, assessed and evaluated. At our workplace, we process the following substances in cooperation with other professional workplaces in the Czech Republic: peat / peat and their extracts, where we determine humic substances, their effect on humans, especially limb musculature, bioimpedance methods, natural inhalation of forest air, alpha-pinene as a surrogate of balsamic essential oils, the effect on humans is assessed by FeNO analysis in exhaled air, fermented foods and beverages / functional food (lactic and alcoholic fermentation), where the presence of probiotic microorganisms is assessed by culture methods such as CFU in grams of natural product, the effect on humans is assessed here especially in the arrangement according to Ascension Marcos (i.e. under conditions of academic stress) as an absolute number of lymphocytes as a surrogate of the state of cellular immunity. We are preparing a program that will allow monitoring and evaluation of the possible influence of darkness (absence of visible light) on melatoninuria. The set of the above-mentioned laboratory methods is largely complemented by the examination of indicators of general and oxidative stress (malondialdehyde in plasma, cortisolaemia), which proves itself especially in balneological (peat) and nutraceutical (fermented food) interventions. The results of our interventions so far confirm that the laboratory response to interventions with pharmacologically active substances from natural natural sources undoubtedly exists. All of the above methods show an improvement in the results of the probands over the pre-intervention state. Muscle mass increases after peat procedures, FeNO decreases after natural inhalations, the absolute number of lymphocytes increases after fermented food and beverages, cholesterolemia decreases after consumption of fish and poultry meat, ioduria increases after staying by the sea. Assessing the relevance of the phenomena we investigate requires further focused interest and research.
Keywords: Natural resources; pharmacology, humic substances; probiotics; alfa pinen; resveratrol; health; quality of life.
11:20 – 11:40
Prof. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Focus of attention: The strategy for optimizing of human motor control and competence
Effective motor behavior in interaction with the environment, and acquisition of motor skills are critical for development, daily living and professional activities of people. One factor that plays an important role for the effectiveness and efficiency of movements is the performer’s focus of attention. The aim of the oral communication is to present a theory, research methodologies and applications of focus of attention in motor performance and learning. The results of our experimental research on the effects of attentional focus are also demonstrated.
The concept of attentional focus finds the support in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology related to motor control. Over the past two decades, many studies have shown that adopting an external focus of attention (EFA), that is, concentrating on the intended movement effect, enhances motor performance and learning compared with an internal focus of attention (IFA) on body movements. Researchers have suggested that the benefit of an EFA relative to an IFA arises from two mechanisms involved in motor control: (i) an EFA facilitates goal-action coupling; this coupling refers to the fluidity with which the intended movement goal is translated into action; (ii) by helping the performer direct attention to the task goal an EFA prevents disruption of automatic motor control processes. The suggested consequence of an EFA is greater automaticity, neural efficiency, and increase in functional variability. The effects of attentional focus on the performance of movement tasks are related to the activation of cognitive processes, not visual perception. This benefit of an EFA relative to an IFA to motor performance and learning has been demonstrated for a wide variety of skills, levels of expertise (novices, untrained individuals, “motor” experts in sports, professions, arts), age (children, adults, elderly), or (dis)ability (people with the cognitive diseases, neurodevelopmental disorders, people under rehabilitation). Directions of basic and applied research in the future is discussed.
11:40 – 12:00
Prof. Ing. Václav Bunc, PhD.
(CZ, Faculty of PE and Sport, Charles University, Prague)
National Program for the Health Recovery of the Czech Republic Population
The present is characterized by a constantly decreasing amount of regularly realized physical loads. Its volume has already fallen below the biologically necessary value, which leads to a number of health and work complications. The basic cause is insufficient movement literacy of the population and the resulting movement insufficiency. One of the main causes of this condition is the insufficient motivation to change the movement regime resulting from insufficient knowledge about the use of movement as a means of cultivating a person. On-line information about the realized exercise load, its effect on the condition of the individual and the possibility of correcting any deficiencies can be considered essential. Digitization of input movement data also makes it possible to identify the inadequate response of the organism to the applied exercise and to navigate the participant to a professional medical examination. The National Program uses the principles of telemedicine using a substantial part of the population of available electronic devices. Input data are collected using smartphones and feedback is implemented based on domestic standards in online traffic. The program is designed for the individual citizen and also allows for group comparisons. The obtained data can be used to refine data on the state of the Czech population and can be used for targeted primary as well as secondary prevention leading to the recovery of our population, especially in the current period of post-diet rehabilitation within the National Recovery Program. The program is implemented with the support of CU, CTU Prague and other organizations.
Key words: Movement insufficiency; Physical exercise; Movement intervention; Telemedicine; Movement literacy.
12:00 – 12:20
Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Klaudia Zusková, PhD.
(SK, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Institute of Physical Education and Sport)
Quality of Life from the Perspective of Educational Entertainment TV Series - Scientific Knowledge Closer to General Public
Living well means incorporating the individual pillars of health-oriented behavior into the lifestyle. In the TV media, we watch programs – series that deal with a healthy lifestyle, primarily focused on healthy eating and exercise, which includes sports. Quality of life, in our case the subjective quality of life, leading to a bio-psycho-social and spiritual balance, represents a more complex thematic concept, than just to nutrition and exercise. The complexity of the concept consists of a holistic approach, which is a prerequisite for prevention in the sense of a salutogenic approach to health. These are the identified factors – topics that move us on the continuum of disease – health towards health. They include sleep, hardening, work, leisure, interpersonal relationships and similar topics. The author presents the concept and development of a popular science series through the form of a documentary reality show in cooperation with Czech Television. The show „Toward Happiness“ reflects the author’s professional knowledge and experience, as well as the experience of her own development in the field of subjective quality of life. The themes of the show are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle leading to well-being – a „happy life“. They relate to our behavior in terms of what we can influence ourselves. In the background of this is good adaptation to stressors. Understandably, the professional and scientific community communicates its findings through formats, such as lectures, conferences, scientific publications and the like. But how do we address the issue of transmitting knowledge into practice in a way that brings it closer to the layman? The members of the professional community convince each other of the need for a healthy lifestyle and quality of life, but what real effort is exerted to apply it to the general public? To what extent are examples of good practice interesting for science? We watch as the gap widens between massive growth of scientific knowledge about quality of life and health and the increase in indicators of unhealthy lifestyles. These are provoking questions, which are essential to ask in trying to connect science with practice.
Key words: Quality of Life; Well-being; Healthy Lifestyle; Holistic Approach; TV Media; Popular Science.
12:20 – 13:20
Multidimensional approach to quality of life and health support.
Chairman: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Daniela Stackeová, PhD.
13:20 – 13:40
Assoc. Prof. Marina Malygina, PhD.
(RUS, Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk)
Design of a project of a fitness tour to Turkey for women 25-35 years old
The aim of the study was to find out the opinion of women about the content of a fitness tour to Turkey. The survey was carried out using the group „Hit Fitness Omsk, Hit Fitness Omsk“, in the social network „VKontakte“. Group members were the respondents. The groups consist of 2035 participants (as of April 25, 2021). The required sample size was 323 people. The study was conducted in April 2021. The survey method was used based on the methodology of Dobrenkov (2004). The research results showed the following. By gender, the majority of the respondents were female (73%). The age of the majority of respondents (42%) is 25-35 years old, 25% – 35-45 years old, 23% – 18-25 years old, 10% – over 45 years old. In this regard, the design of the tour was carried out for the age group 25-35 years old. Most of the respondents (49%) preferred living in an apartment. The most attractive option is three meals a day (63%). The idea to add an animation program to the tour program was supported by 67% of the respondents. We found out what health problems the respondents have. The respondents‘ opinions were distributed as follows: 10% worried about stoop, 15% worried about back pain, 16% – swelling, 59% – all of the above Most of the respondents (85%) answered that they had never been on a fitness tour before, and 15% have already traveled on a tour of this format. Thus according to the results of the survey, it was revealed that a fitness tour to Turkey should be designed for a target audience from 25 to 35 years old, include 9 days and 8 nights, most of the respondents would like to stay in an apartment with the inclusion in the tour 3- x single meals, a specially selected animation program for every day, and should also include training and educational seminars. Thus this study confirmed the high degree of interest of women aged 25-25 years to take part in a fitness tour to Turkey during which they will be able to improve their physical performance and solve some health problems.
Key words: fitness tour, recreational potential, Turkey, breathing practices, spa treatments.
13:40 – 14:00
Prof. Bartosz Bolach, PhD.
(PL, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin)
Wellness, Health & Tourism 2021: Chances and Challenges for a Post-Disaster World
The COVID-19 pandemic is a disaster for the entire tourism industry. Values accumulated over decades were destroyed, businesses deeply impacted, jobs lost and existences damaged. The next few years will show whether and how one of the world’s largest industries will recover.
But the virus has also changed the focus of travellers: Though safety was always an important motive for choosing destinations, now it is safety from infection and assurance of adequate medical care.
Thus, tourism providers to whom health competence is attributed have chances of success. Health tourism providers have unique opportunities and must communicate their special competence through suitable products. This will create not only confidence in the providers, but also bring strong ties between guest and provider.
New products are needed, such as specific health tourism offers for strengthening the immune system or for the therapy of long COVID symptoms. These products must be scientifically proven and attractive to tourists (“evidence-based health tourism”). Only then will they have a chance on the markets.
Tourism expertise will be needed to present health tourism offers better than before, to market them more attractively and also to address new target groups. Even more than in the past, close networking and intensive cooperation between the health industry and the tourism providers are preconditions are prerequisite for future success.
Educational and university training institutions play an essential role here: they create the knowledge base and attitude that different players need in order to be ready for cooperation.
Key words: Health tourism; tourism market; evidence-based health tourism; product development; university studies.
14:00 – 14:20
Assoc. Prof. Zwierzchowska Anna, PhD., DSc.
(PL, University School of PE in Katowice)
Assessment of physical activity in adults with intellectual disabilities based on the literature review
Background: Regular physical activity (PA) of adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) is highly recommended as it affects their quality of life. However, it has been shown that they most often live sedentary lifestyles and have higher rates of overweight and obesity. The study aimed to assess the level of PA in adults with ID based on the available literature.
Methods: Data mining was used in the study. The level of PA and its biopsychosocial and environmental determinants were evaluated, and objective and subjective research tools were verified.
Results: The results indicated the frequent occurrence of sedentary lifestyles (25-53%
of respondents) and a low level of PA. Another problem was the high prevalence of overweight and obesity (44-87% of respondents). Many barriers to physical activity have been reported.
Conclusions: The level of PA in people with ID is low, and most of the respondents do not meet the recommendations for PA. Studies have used subjective and objective research tools. However, objective tools have been more popular and they mostly show that sedentary lifestyles are more common. Individuals with ID are encouraged to participate in tailored programs that promote PA.
14:20 – 14:40
Ing. Alina Huseynli, Ing. Věra Marková
(CZ, Institut lázeňství a balneologie, Karlovy Vary)
The mental health benefits of Nordic walking training in natural therapeutic landscape of Karlovy Vary
Mental health is a real challenge for global society today. The COVID-19 pandemic also has a significant negative impact on people mental health through increased exposure to stressors. The results of many scientific studies show a relationship between outdoor activity and increasing general mental health. Outdoor treatments in the natural environment are a part of the complex spa care in all famous spas in the Czech Republic. This study aimed to conduct a standardized Profile of Mood States questionnaire and to find out the effect of Nordic Walking training in the natural environment of Karlovy Vary on the mood states (tension, anger, fatigue, depression, confusion, vigour) of the participants. The questionnaires were completed by 36 participants (25 women, 11 men) aged between 20 and 65 years (Ø 45 years). Based on the statistical evaluation, positive changes were observed in all investigated mood states. First of all, significantly increased vitality and, on the contrary, decreased fatigue (p-value <0.001) were confirmed. The training also had a positive effect on the anger and depressive states, with a significant reduction in both cases (p-value <0.05). This study results have confirmed that Nordic walking training in the natural environment of Karlovy Vary forests has a positive effect on the mood states of the participants and their mental health. These results will be the basis for follow-up research investigating the impact of physical activity in spa environments on the mental health of visitors and residents of spa towns.
Key words: Mental health; POMS; Nordic walking; Therapeutic landscape; Karlovy Vary; Spa.
14:40 – 15:00
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Daniela Stackeová, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Psychosomatic Relationships in the Musculoskeletal System and their Importance for Wellness
The locomotor system is directly affected by our emotional state, both muscle tension and its distribution, and locomotor functions. Knowledge of these psychosomatic relationships is important for all professions that work with the locomotor system of an individual, whether clinical, such as physiotherapy or non-clinical, including wellness specialists. We present an overview of them here.
Increase and redistribution of muscle tension in persons who are under stress (different reaction in postural and phasic muscles) potentially leads to impairment of the present muscle imbalances, in the long run to a development of painful condition associated with muscle hypertension and strain of fibrous structures. Emotions associated with stress are accompanied by a specific reaction in the postural system, including impairment of balance functions and ultimately decrease in quality of motor functions (fluency of movement, its effectiveness, motor coordination, etc.). The neurophysiological basis of this reaction is the influence of the limbic system on the control of motor functions. Significant is also the change in respiratory function due to stress. A change in the type and depth of breathing is accompanied by a change in the involvement of the respiratory muscles (especially involvement of the upper scalupa fixators supporting the impairment of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system).
By targeted intervention, whether of a passive nature, such as massage, or active nature, such as various methods of kinesiotherapy, we can not only eliminate the impact of stress on the musculoskeletal system, but also target the psychic and support the harmony of the individual. However, a necessary condition is erudition in this area, including knowledge of the presented psychosomatic relationships.
Key words: Psychosomatics; Psychosomatic relationships; Wellness; Kinesiotherapy.
15.00 Closing of the conference – SECTION A
Self-assessment and wellness plan. Bio-psycho-social balance.
Chairman: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Pavel Tilinger, PhD.
13:20 – 13:40
Prof. PaedDr. Elena Bendíková, PhD.
(SK, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica)
Physical and sports education as a means of forming a relationship to lifelong physical activity and health
The aim of the study presents and points out the importance of including physical and sport education in movement regime of pupils as a mean involved in forming the relationship to lifelong physical activity. The research sample consisted of 𝝨n=726 pupils in Slovakia, of which 378 girls in age (x) 17.5±1.4 years (body height (x) 166.4±3.6 cm, body weight (x) 61.9±4.8 kg) and 348 boys in age (x) 17.9±1.2 years (body height (x) 178.9±7.9 cm, body weight (x) 63.2±5.6 kg). In terms of data collection methods in the period 2020-2021, an interrogation method was used, based on pedagogical practice. Our findings show that physical and sport education is perceived in both genders with a positive attitude, but different interests with a significant difference (p <0.01) to the detriment of girls. Demands for the quality of the subject content is (p <0.01) higher in girls. Girls prefer within the PA subject of aesthetic focus, without direct contact (p <0.01), while boys prefer dynamic and conditioning PA (p <0.01). In girls and boys, this subject belongs to those that significantly (p <0.01) form a relationship to lifelong PA as well as to health (p <0.01). In the overall movement regime of pupils, there are significant (p <0.01) differences between the genders to the detriment of girls in terms of bulk of performed PA, frequency, and intensity (p <0.01). Which is related (p <0.01) also to a worse perception of health and health problems (p <0.01). At the same time, we significantly (p <0.01) confirm that physical and sport education is one of the transformational means involved in performing PA in daily movement regime of pupils (even in the pandemic period). This project was supported by VEGA 1/0519/19.
Key words: Health; Interest; Physical activity; Physical and sport education; Pupil.
13:40 – 14:00
Prof. PaedDr. Milada Krejčí, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
COVID 19 – up call to focus on wellness
Covid-19 pandemic represents an exceptional experience in the whole world and still is going through touched everybody. Never before has health and wellness declined so fast. It has also been a hard lesson about general health issues and health prevention as it became evident that healthier individuals with stronger immune systems were and are in a better position to fight infection. Those with chronic health issues, also called civilization diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart and respiratory problems or obesity are at much higher risk. Covid-19 pandemic nor only affected physical health, but also cause unprecedented levels of stress. Uncertainty, forever lasting and constantly changing restrictions became unmanageable for many people. Already published studies on levels and forms of stress related to depression and mental illness indicate that numbers of individuals suffering from the disease increased by 50- 60% in all age categories. The proactive approach which focuses on a more holistic approach is not widely actively promoted or practiced, even when it is generally accepted that prevention of disease on principles of wellness is the only way to prevent the increasing problems healthcare systems are facing. Can the answer be “wellness”? The paper analyzes the potential of wellness in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020 and 2021, the Global Wellness Institute demonstrates the growing interest of the entire population in improving overall health and immune function through a holistic approach involving various wellness methods and techniques. The so-called „renaissance of self-defense“ is a multidisciplinary approach to one’s own health, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, spiritual and mental management, and proper sleep.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; Wellness; Self-defense; Circadian preferences; Quality of Life.
14:00 – 14:20
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Markéta Švamberk Šauerová, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Promoting self-efficacy as one of the basic salutoprotective resources in dealing with challenging life situations with a focus on the Covid pandemic -19
The theoretical basis of the contribution is a literature search focused on the use of various salutoprotective resources in dealing with challenging life events, not only with regard to the current situation but also within a historical context, and the author’s experience of providing psychological intervention during the Covid-19 pandemic. The awareness of an individual’s own self-efficacy can be considered as a crucial salutoprotective resource in coping with challenging life situations, while an essential factor influencing the quality of self-efficacy is the manner of family and school education and the degree of attention paid to its development in these environments.
The thrust of the contribution is to suggest ways to develop self-efficacy awareness as a fundamental salutoprotective source of wellbeing in the time of pandemic, both in family and school education.
The contribution may also include a presentation of research on the Covid-19 pandemic conducted in universities under the auspices of the Council of Higher Education, in which College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA is also participating thanks to the involvement of the author.
14:20 – 14:40
Ass. Prof. Christina Peterson, M.S.
(USA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville),
Ass. Prof. Jana Novaková Stará, PhD.
(CZ, Masaryk University)
Competencies for Wellness Promotion
Wellness promotion practices continue to evolve and uniquely contribute to helping individuals and communities realize their full potential. As the ways in which wellness practitioners contribute toward this process gain clarity and wellness promotion is integrated into many health- and human development-related fields, competencies have emerged to guide wellness promotion practice. This presentation provides an overview of the National Wellness Institute’s Wellness Promotion Competency Model and describes new research supporting its validity as a framework for wellness education and professional development. Implications of the Wellness Promotion Competency Model for the Czech context will also be discussed.
Keywords: Wellness; Competency model; Wellness promotion.
14:40 – 15:00
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Pavel Tilinger, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Lifestyle of people in their forties in terms of their relationship to movement activities
The aim of our study was to analyze physical activities, wellness activities and other activities of people in their forties, i.e. people aged 40-50, who carry out in their daily lives. We also found out the physical fitness of this age group.
To achieve our intention, we used a modified „Questionnaire to find out the physical activities and wellness activities of people in their forties“, compiled especially for this occasion.
The survey involved 75 women and the same number of men aged 40-50 years. The survey was conducted in 2020, just before the onset of the coronavirus epidemic. We used the statistical program Excel to process the results of the survey.
The average age of the respondents was 45.2 years, BMI of men 26.4, women 23.7. Half of the respondents live in a city with more than 50,000 inhabitants, 47% of women and 41% of men have a university degree. 77% of the interviewed men and 84% of the interviewed women actively take care of their own condition. The most frequently mentioned physical activities realized in the last 12 months were walks (walking, trips, Nordic walking, hiking), followed by sports activities (most often sports games, cycling, swimming, skiing), activities in the fitness center, group exercises aerobics, yoga, pilates etc.), own exercise, sauna, meditation.
In the 12-minute running test men reached 1867 m and women 1807 m.
Keywords: Fitness of forties; Quality of life; Healthy lifestyle; Wellness.
15.00 Closing of the conference – SECTION B
Diagnostics and function testing in wellness.
Chairman: Ass. Prof. Mgr. Tomáš Mirovský, MBA
13:20 – 13:40
Assoc. Prof. Marta Wieczorek, PhD.
(PL, University School of Physical Education, Wrocław)
The use of e-technology in therapy and improvement of motor functions of a person with autism spectrum disorders
Disability contributes to the creation of limitations in many areas of human functioning. Nowadays, there are more and more innovative solutions that help to minimize these limitations. One of them are e-technologies. A special group using these modern interventions are people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). One of the many difficulties that are observed in people with ASD are motor development problems. Proper motor development is a very important area of physical development of every human being. It also plays a huge role in the matter human well-being. Nevertheless, difficulties also appear in the area of cognitive, social and emotional functions. This area in therapy deserves to very careful approach. In research used the method of a diagnostic survey. The tool was an on-line questionnaire (Google form). Fifteen questions were included in the survey.
The main goal was to recognized the benefits that result from the use of e-technologies in the therapy process, which includes the development of cognitive, social and motor skills of people with autism spectrum disorders. The cognitive goal was to determined the knowledge, attitude and beliefs of parents of children with ASD, teachers and therapists in the use and meaning of modern technologies in the therapy of these people.
Keywords: Autism; e-technologies; Motor functions; Motor skills; Modern interventions; Assistive technologies.
13:40 – 14:00
Ass. Prof. Mgr. Eva Nechlebová, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Verification of the effect of health-compensatory exercises according to Levitova and Hoskova on flat feet and changes of spine mobility
The aim of this submission is the evaluation of the impact of compensation exercises from Levittova and Hoskova on the plantar region and the changes in spine mobility.
The qualitative research in the form of case studies was focused on seniors who, after an initial examination, underwent a three-month exercise regime by Levitova and Haskova. All subjects were asked about their relevant medical and non-medical history, and underwent an initial and exit and examination using a visual analogue scale, an examination of standing upright on two scales, an initial and exit examination on Pedoscope and Footdisc, the Tinetti Test, a spine mobility examination, and they were also given the Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36).
The initial examinations showed an uneven weight distribution on feet, flat feet in all subjects and 80% of subjects showed various foot deformities. The results show improvements in all subjects in all applied examinations in correlation with the visual analogue scale. There was also a considerable improvement in the fine motor skills of the foot, static stability, and gait quality.
Key words: Flat feet; spine mobility; Tinetti test; posture; senior.
14:00 – 14:20
Aleš Kočár, M.D.
(CZ, MUCOS Pharma CZ)
Systemic enzymotherapy and its possibilities of therapeutic use in medicine
The method of systemic enzyme therapy (SET) is about p. o. drugs administration which contain a specially formulated combination of enzymes. Their positive therapeutic effect is based on the support and optimaliization of the course of the inflammatory reaction, which is, very simply put, the basic defense and also therefore healing mechanism of the almost all alterations in the human body.
In the other words – it is mainly the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, secondary analgesic and positive immunomodulatory effect of these substances, including the effect of vehicle and mild fibrinolytic effect. We call it systemic for the possibility of therapeutic action basically anywhere in our body. SET drugs are mostly used as part of a comprehensive therapy. However, in some cases, it is possible to use these drugs as monotherapy too. Due to its advantageous pharmacological effects, SET is included in therapeutic algorithms of solutions in many medical disciplines. Whether they are general practitioners, pediatricians or doctors of various specializations (for example general or plastic surgery, dentistry, orthopedics, traumatology, gynecology, sports medicine, rehabilitation, spa medicine…). With the development of knowledge of the immunological aspects of inflammation and its individual phases, we comprehensively talk about the „healing process“. Physicians also are increasingly recognizing the underlying causes of inflammation. Thus, if we compare the physiology and pathophysiology of the inflammatory reaction on the one hand and the pharmacological effects of systemically applied enzymes on the other hand, then we cannot overlook the possibilities of their positive therapeutic spectrum. The good efficacy and high safety and tolerability of SET drugs are also evidenced by the positive conclusions of the performed clinical studies.
Keywords: Systemic enzyme therapy; Anti-inflammatory effect; Anti-edematous effect; Secondary analgesic effect; Positive immunomodulatory effect.
14:20 – 14:40
Ass. Prof. PhDr. Pavel Kysel
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
The influence of cyclical ketogenic reduction diet vs. nutritionally balanced reduction diet on body composition, strength and endurance performance in healthy young males: a randomized controlled trial
(1) Background: The influence of ketogenic diet on physical fitness remains controversial. We performed a randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of cyclical ketogenic reduction diet (CKD) vs nutritionally balanced reduction diet (RD) on body composition, muscle strength and endurance performance. (2) Methods: 25 healthy young males undergoing regular resistance training combined with aerobic training were randomized to CKD (n=13) or RD (n=12). Body composition, muscle strength and spiroergometric parameters were measured at baseline and after 8 weeks of intervention. (3) Results: Both CKD and RD decreased body weight, body fat and BMI. Lean body mass and body water decreased in CKD and did not significantly change in RD group. Muscle strength parameters were not affected in CKD while in RD group lat pull-down and leg press values increased. Similarly, endurance performance was not changed in CKD group while in RD group peak workload and peak oxygen uptake increased. (4) Conclusions: Our data show that in healthy young males undergoing resistance and aerobic training comparable weight reduction were achieved by CKD and RD. In RD group, improved muscle strength and endurance performance was noted relative to neutral effect of CKD that also slightly reduced lean body mass.
Keywords: Body composition; Ketogenic diet; Strength parameters; Endurance; Training.
14:40 – 15:00
Ass. Prof. Mgr. Gabriela Kavalířová, PhD., Ass. Prof. Mgr. Věra Knappová PhD.
(CZ, University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Education)
Measurement of joint range in sports practice
Goniometry, measurement of the range of joint motion, is one of the basic diagnostic methods used in various medical disciplines, physiotherapy, or physical education and sports practice. However, we find differences in goniometric examinations among the authors of professional publications. Based on the analysis of the professional literature, we selected the most frequently used data for the physiological range of joints, on which we can base the measurements. Our goal was to create a methodological material in the form of a video program with a methodical procedure and illustrative examples of measuring the angles of selected joints for the purpose of physical education and sports practice within the project, in which mainly students of the master program Physical Education Teacher participate. The creation of the video program with examples of measuring the extent of joints was also initiated thanks to cooperation with the New Technologies Research Center, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, where we participate in research that deals with the development of personalized models of the human body. In the future, we would like to use the methodology to examine and compare the flexibility of athletes from different sports (also the flexibility of men and women, or different age categories – children, youth and adults).
Keywords: Goniometry; Joint range; Sport; Educational video program.
15:00 – 15:20
Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Bronislav Kračmar, PhD.
(CZ, College of PE and Sport PALESTRA)
Polyelectromyographic analysis of differentiation of the muscle function in the application of muscle electrostimulation
Poly surface EMG of selected muscles of the shoulder girdle during paddling on a canoeing simulator before and after the application of muscle electrical stimulation. Electrostimulation is divided into individual muscle parts and is calibrated according to individual tolerance of electric current. The pretest is followed by a defined exercise under the influence of electric shocks according to the instructor’s guidance. The result of the pretest and posttest (10 subjects) of the top competitors in water slalom on a canoeing simulator mostly shows a tendency to reduce the differentiation of muscle functions. Individual differentiation of muscle functions is an indicator of a competitor’s perfect movement stereotype. Each monitored subject has an individual muscle activation timing. In 9 subjects, the differentiation of the monitored muscle functions was reduced in the posttest. In the 10th subject, the opposite result of the difference is not in the significant area. Thus, electrostimulation is a path to general muscle strengthening. For example, in wellness programs or in the transitional training period of performance athletes. However, it reduces the coordination of movement. Because the movement (coordination) mastery does not recognize the level of performance of performing physical activities.
Keywords: Electrostimulation; Surface polyelectromyography; Locomotion through the shoulder girdle; Forwards direct shot of the canoeing.