Bachelor’s Study

Bachelor’s study fields are implemented in the form of three-year full-time and part-time study.


Full-time form of study is implemented with direct participation from the student during the lessons – the student regularly attends lectures, exercises etc.


The part-time form of study is implemented in the form of weekend workshops (Saturdays and Sundays, with the exception of courses and practices, which can overlap with weekdays), e-learning and self-teaching. Schedule of the weekend workshops is known always in advance for the following academic year. Six weekend workshops are usually listed for one semester during the bachelor’s studies.

Focus of the Bachelor’s Study

Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills in biomedical and sports disciplines (including didactics), which according to their further specialization will be used in planning and implementation of physical activities, in organizing  suitable leisure time for future clients, as well as in self-realization in selected sports disciplines. They will learn basic terminology that will enable students to communicate professionally, even in a selected foreign language.

They will become acquainted with historical, but especially with current trends and directions of development of individual fields of study, which will provide them with starting points for the formation of independent opinions and substantiated procedures  solving the professional situation models in the second cycle. Students will deepen their knowledge and skills, which are the basis for understanding the principles and bases of a healthy lifestyle and forming a strong relationship to health and rejecting the factors that threaten them.

Due to the future profession of graduates, considerable emphasis is placed on the content and target connection of individual subjects with practice. Therefore, these modules include a higher volume of practically oriented teaching and professional practice. Graduates will become qualified experts in a wide area of leisure time, organizers for the field of physical education and sports and managers for these areas.



Study subjects are divided into compulsory, required optional and optional, from which the student chooses acording to their interests and future professional specialization. The results of individual subjects in their respective semesters are rated by assesments, graded assesments, examinations and comprehensive examinations. Educational difficulty of each subjects is appropriately evaluated with a certain amount of credits. Used form of evaluation, including the credits, is used in the study plan and the thematic plan of individual subjects.

The studies are concluded by a bachelor’s state examination. Students are eligible for the said examination if they collected at least 180 credits including the bachelor’s final project. Exact conditions of study control are stated in the „Code of Study and Examination“.

Bachelor’s Study Programmes Offer for 2021/2022


Nutritional Counselling and Sport Diagnostics

Students became experts focused on the basic relationship between nutrition, exercise and diseases of civilization and modern diagnostic methods used in nutrition and physical activities.

Programme details

Sports and Fitness Specialist (Specialization: Fitness, Leisure,Wellness)

Studenti si osvojí techniky sportovních disciplín a vybraných pohybových aktivit s návazností na biomedicínské a společensko-vědní obory. Specializace je volena ve druhém ročníku studia.

Programme details