Sports and Fitness Specialist (Specialization: Fitness, Leisure,Wellness)
The study programme is focused on technique acquisition in sport disciplines and in physical activities connected to biomedical and social science areas necessary to gaining knowledge, which will the graduate use as a sport and fitness specialist in fitness-centres, wellness centres or leisure-time centres. Programme conceived in this way puts emphasis on the use of sports, physical and leisure-time activities in support of condition, life well-being and thus generally the support of healthy lifestyle of various target groups in the population.
The study plan is planned for a three-year long time-frame, the study subjects are divided into compulsory, required optional and optional, which are fulfilled by the students jointly in the first year. Students choose their specialization and fulfil compulsory and required optional specialization subjects since the second year.
Study plan with specialization in fitness
Study plan with specialization in leisure-time (earlier known as Sport and Leisure-time pedagogue)
Study plan with specialization in wellness
The study is concluded by a state bachelor’s examination. Students are eligible to apply for it, if they collect at least 180 ECTS credits, while keeping in line with the prescribed structure of compulsory and required optional subjects, passing the examinations, assessments as defined by the study plan and successfully passing the final state exam including the presentation and defence of the bachelor’s final project.
Conditions of study admission
Only applicants with a completed secondary education with a maturita fulfilling all the conditions of the admission procedure are eligible for admission.
Sports and Fitness Specialist with a Focus on Wellness
Studenti získají komplexní znalosti a dovednosti, které jim umožní přípravu a realizaci pohybových programů v preventivně zdravotní a rekondiční oblasti a v oblasti utváření pozitivních postojů k vlastnímu tělesnému i duševnímu zdraví.
Sports and Fitness Specialist with a Focus on Leisure Time
Studenti si osvojí pedagogicko-psychologické principy nezbytné k pochopení individuálních a skupinových zvláštností chování a činností dětí, mládeže a dospělých včetně seniorů a jejich využití při přípravě a realizaci zájmových činností v oblasti pohybové, výtvarné a dramatizační činnosti.
Sports and Fitness Specialist with a Focus on Fitness
Studenti získají komplexní znalosti a dovednosti, které jim umožní přípravu a realizaci pohybových programů v preventivně zdravotní a rekondiční oblasti a v oblasti utváření pozitivních postojů k vlastnímu tělesnému i duševnímu zdraví.