Nutritional Counselling and Sport Diagnostics
The aim of the Bachelor’s study program “Nutritional Counselling and Sports Diagnostics” is to prepare experts who are able to orient themselves in professional issues focused on the basic relationship between nutrition, exercise and diseases of civilization and modern diagnostic methods used in nutrition and physical activities.
The starting point for the preparation of the Bachelor’s program outline is the philosophical concept of “health”, which is becoming an increasingly important attribute not only in the labour market, but also in personal life. Both services and various means related to disease prevention, strengthening health and improving overall fitness are gaining in importance. The need for human health care is increasingly emphasized, which clearly aims mainly at the so-called primary prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
With regard to the current social perception of the value of health and care for it, the Bachelor’s study “Nutritional counselling and sports diagnostics” places great emphasis on understanding the context of the whole issue. Graduates are expected to have knowledge and professional skills that will allow them to professionally assess clients’ eating habits, musculoskeletal system and their condition, and based on the data obtained to prepare a proposal to change their lifestyle with regard to age and health.
Another specific feature of the study program is the emphasis on gaining basic knowledge about diagnostics, morphological and functional abilities in relation to sports activities and the acquisition of practical skills in the somatometry of athletes, taking into account the selection of appropriate sports.
The graduate of this program will be able to design a nutritional and drinking regime with regard to the needs of a client to set a suitable exercise program. Employment in the labour market will be possible, for example, in fitness centres, sports clubs, sports associations, in the provision of hotel services, in private practice, in health facilities, massage and rehabilitation centres or club centres.
Furthermore, graduates will gain employment mainly in fields related to nutrition and sports diagnostics. In practice, they can be specifically employed as nutritional counsellors in the field of prevention, both for athletes and for the general population and for all age groups. They can work as consultants in the field of compliance with the correct principles of nutrition in the field of primary and secondary education. They can also be used in the field of regenerative and reconditioning care for clients and can work as consultants in the field of musculoskeletal diagnostics and subsequent appropriate selection of physical activities or as trainers and instructors.
By choosing this specialization, a student can also gain a number of certificates – e.g. Instructor of Health PE, Sport and Re-conditioning Masseur or a School Skiing Instructor.
Study programme is implemented in a formo f a three-year study. The school uses the ECTS credit system.
The study plan consists of the modules of compulsory, required optional and optional subjects. Compulsory subjects are those that constitute the foundation of the study programme.
Required optional subjects are selected by the student according to his/her expected focus. Optional subjects are selected by the student according to his/her professional and personal interests. Completing and finishing the subject in all its parts is a condition for passing it.
Graduate’s profile is also filled by field education, education results and study targets.
We cooperated closely with the research centre CASRI, with the Paraple centre and the Anti-doping Committee of the CR, also with the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Pilsen and the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague during the creation of specialized subjects.
The study is concluded by the state bachelor’s examination. Student can apply for it, if they have accumulated at least 180 ECTS credits while keeping the prescribed structure of compulsory and required optional subjects, passing the examination, assesments listed by the study plan and succesfully completing the state final examination including the presentation and defence of the bachelor’s thesis.
Graduates of the bachelor’s study can continue in the follow-up master’s study in the Physical Education and Sport study programme.
Study plan of the Nutritional Counselling and Sport Diagnostics study programme (in Czech)
Current information regarding tuition prices can be found on the page Tuition. (in Czech)
Current information can be found here: Admission procedure for the Bachelor’s study