Training School PALESTRA
The Training School PALESTRA (hereinafter referred to as TS PALESTRA) is a new project, which begun in July 2020 by opening the first trainer course for trainer class „B“ within the dimensions of a re-qualification course. This was the peak of a several-year long period of preparation of the concept. The next step was opening the first two-year study run for trainers of the „A“ class in October 2020.
Basic line
TS PALESTRA is always a joint project of College PALESTRA and a specific sports association. Without a contractually confirmed cooperation with a sports association, it is not possible to accept students to the study program, the sports association can also use the right to approve a specific list of students before starting the study. The basic concept of teaching at TS PALESTRA is to connect the academic field and the needs of sports associations:
- Joint responsibility for the content of the taught material and the implementation of final exams
- Combination of internal and external lecturers, academic staff and experts from practice = the goal is a compact teaching staff of experts suitably supplemented by external experts from the Czech Republic and abroad
- Involvement of graduates in the teaching in other courses
- Quick response to new trends and their involvement in the teaching
- Internships abroad
An important point is the use of international cooperation. COLLEGE PALESTRA is a member of ICCE (International Council for Coaching Excellence), teaching standards are based on “ICCE’s Standards for Higher Education Bachelor Coaching Degree Programmes” (International Coaching Degree Standards).
We even consulted the creation of the concept with the „Trainerakademie Köln des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes“ and we used the experience with trainer education of the cooperating unions and international organizations.
Body of lecturers
A team of both internal and external members of the academic staff at College PALESTRA partakes in the trainer education, together with experts from sport unions and appropriately chosen foreign and Czech externes.
Introducing TS PALESTRA lecturers:
- Mgr. Hana Bubníková
- Mgr. Roman Čedík
- Ing. Zdeněk Eška, MBA
- MUDr. Jozef Martinča
- Mgr. Barbora Přibylová
- Mgr. Filip Rata, DiS.
- Mgr. Roman Šinkovský, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Renata Větrovská, Ph.D.
Council of trainers
The Council of Trainers is the main counselling body, to which representatives from College PALESTRA and sport unions cooperating with TS PALESTRA are nominated. Council of Trainers members are at the same time members of the examination board.
List of partner unions
The list will be expanded gradually after signing of new contracts
- Federation of body-building and fitness of the Czech republic, z.s., trainer I. class
- Czech volleyball federation, trainer I. class
- Czech judo federation, z.s., trainer I. class