Profile – Jan Tichý
- Ing. Jan Tichý, Ph.D.
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A construction engineer in the field of Economy and construction management (BUT in BRNO, FAST). Doctorate was acquired at the Faculty of Transportation of CTU in Prague, where he acted as a lecturer between 2004 and 2020.
Besides teaching subjects focused on company economy and economy of transportations, he also specializes in calculations of transport operation costs. He is and atuhor or co-author of tens of publications (studies, assesments, books, papers etc.). He bulit on the theoretical knowledge gained during his activities at UCT with a career at ČSAD Prague holding, JSC between years 2004 and 2020 (consequently Rextim holding, JSC), where he acted as a project lead of IS NEMO, focused on facility management of real estate in the company’s ownership.
He has been working at the Ministry of Transportation of the Czech Republic, the department of strategy, where he specialises in the railway segment since June 2020. Within his spare time, he develops applications IODA, VýRočenky and CosTra under IODA.