Professional Profile – Zdeněk Eška
- Ing. Zdeněk Eška, MBA, LL.B.
Studied at the Bank Institute in Prague, field Finances. He is currently finishing his doctoral programme Medial Studies, where he specializes in analyzing manipulative techniques in Czech media.
He has 15 years of experience from his work in the media, where he worked as a TV host, editor, reporter, scriptwriter and a script editor of the evening and afternoon programme. He worked for the Czech Television, TV Prima and TV Óčko. He hosted live radio broadcasting and television shows, e.g. Rodina a já, Tykadlo, Experiment, Případy detektiva Packala or D. J. Divák and others. He wrote over 500 radio and television scripts.
He gives lectures in Rhetorics and Culture of Speech at Tertiary Technical Schols and Colleges in Prague. He partakes at creating the new MBA programme for College PALESTRA with a working title „Sport Medial Studies“, which is primarily prepared for managers, executives, directors or spokepersons. The art of presenting ideas and visions through a microphone and in front of a camera is an integral part and an expected skill of modern managers.
Research projects
Rhetorics, safety risks in communications. Internal grant Metropolitan University Prague.
International scietific conferences in Vienna and Prague. Organized by eg. VŠE Praha.